Tourist signage

In this section:

Make a request  -  Route des Navigateurs

Tourist signage accompanies visitors throughout their journey. It not only helps to direct visitors to tourist locations, but also increases their level of safety by confirming their destination.

Quebec has one of the most developed tourist signage systems in Canada. It is based on the following principles:

  • self-financing ;
  • uniformity of signage ;
  • transportation of motorists from the highway to the desired location.

Who are the partners in tourism signage in Quebec and what are their roles?

Ministère du Tourisme (MTO):

  • Ensure the development and evaluation of signage programs with the ministère des Transports;
  • Establish and annually review, in collaboration with regional tourism associations, the list of types of equipment eligible for the program and the eligibility criteria for selecting businesses that can benefit from tourism signage;
  • Receive requests for tourist signage from the ATRs, analyze them and issue the final opinion allowing a business to be signed or not;
  • Advise the various stakeholders on tourism signage (ATR, municipalities, ministries and organizations);
  • Ensures the implementation and follow-up of the criteria of the programme de signalisation touristique du Québec (Quebec tourism signage program).

Consortium Alliance de l'industrie touristique du Québec and Signo-Service Inc: 

  • Receive requests for new reports or modifications via;
  • Implement the tourism signage program on the road network under the responsibility of the Ministry of Transportation;
  • Ensure that the companies it reports to are in compliance with the full routing principle;
  •  Ensure the manufacture, installation and maintenance of tourist signs;
  • Contract with tourism businesses that meet the program requirements and comply with the Ministry of Transportation's tourism signage standards;
  • Promote the tourist signage program throughout Quebec to eligible customers and ensure the sustainability of this signage.

Regional Tourism Association (RTA):

On an annual basis, and in collaboration with regional tourism associations,  the ministère du Tourisme establishes a list of the types of equipment eligible for signage. The RTA also manages groupings where more than three businesses are required at a single node. When a choice of businesses is required at a hub, the regional tourism association must select the businesses that will be displayed there.

Ministère des transports (MTQ):

  •  Ensure the development and evaluation of signage programs with Tourisme Québec;
  • Determine standards for tourist signage, including content, size and location of signs, and signage distances;
  • Verify the signage plans submitted by the Consortium (number and location of signs to be installed) and authorize the installation of the signage equipment;
  • Ensure compliance with the signage standards it has established.

Make a request

Do you want to apply for a tourist signage?

Visit the website for all the information on tourist signage.

For all questions regarding tourist signage in Centre-du-Québec, please contact the Alliance touristique du Québec :

Alexandra Sabourin-Noël
Phone: 450 686-8358 ext. 133
Free of charge : 1 877 686-8358

Route des Navigateurs

The Route des Navigateurs is the only official tourist route in the Centre-du-Québec region.

From Saint-François-du-Lac to Sainte-Luce-sur-Mer, there are more than 490 km of road to travel and three tourist regions to discover.

The official tourist route is a real tourist vector. Wish to be part of the tourist offer of the Route des Navigateurs? You’re a company located within a 10 km radius?

Consult the Route des Navigateurs - Plan de mise en valeur (sommaire) [2,28 Mo]

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